

July 1st, 2021

The APEGS Council held an online meeting via Microsoft TEAMS on March 26, 2021. The meeting was attended by 16 of 19 councillors and the directors to Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada. Council will meet next on June 17-18, 2021 via Microsoft TEAMS.

Council received the following presentations and information items:

  • The APEGS director to Engineers Canada provided a written report and a verbal update on the activities of the national organization.
  • The communications manager provided a status update on the 2021 Strategic Communications Plan.
  • The executive director and registrar provided an update on staff reorganization and succession planning.
  • The executive director and registrar provided an update on the Association’s operations and impacts caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A request by a complainant for Council to review a decision by the Investigation Committee that no further action be taken on a complaint.
  • The director of registration provided an update on the plans for the online 2021 Annual Meeting and Professional Development Conference.
  • The APEGS director to Geoscientists Canada provided a written report and verbal update on the activities of the national organization.
  • The director of registration provided a report on the results of second round of the 2020 CPD Compliance Reviews.

Council passed motions as follows:

  • Approving the updated 2021 budget reflecting the online 2021 Annual Meeting.
  • Approving three recommendations resulting from the Governance Review project.
  • Approving the following work completed by the Nominating Criteria Task Group: Council, Board and Committee Chair Evaluation Procedure and the Terms of Reference for a standing Nominating Committee.
  • Approving that the use of NCEES records be temporarily suspended while staff confirms their information validation processes.
  • Approving amendments to the CBA Guide.
  • Approving three academic review policy updates.
  • Appointing Kevin Bundschuh, Engineering Licensee as the Chair of the Professional Practice Exam Committee.
  • Approving changes to a Professional Practice Exam policy incorporating the use of the National Professional Practice Exam.
  • Approving updates to the CPD Program document.
  • Approving updates to the CPD Review process.
  • Approving the criteria by which members will be randomly selected for 2020 CPD Assurance Reviews.
  • Approving 20 applications for Life Member.
  • Approving a policy for member PD Days Credit Lottery to be implemented in 2022.
  • Appointing Russel Johnson, P.Eng. as the chair and Brent Marjerison, P.Eng. as the vice-chair of the Investigation Committee.
  • Appointing Margaret Ball, P.Eng., FEC and Jason Whitelaw, P.Eng. to a second term and appointing Nicholas Hayduk, P.Eng., and Andrew Karvonen, P.Eng., P.Geo. to a first term on the Investigation Committee.
  • Approving the draft audited 2020 financial statements.
  • Approving increasing the amount in the working capital reserve.
  • Accepting a proposal to conduct reconciliation training for APEGS staff, council, volunteers and members.

Council noted and received the following reports:

  • Registrar’s reports for January and February 2021.
  • The unaudited financial statements for January and February 2021.
  • Executive Committee minutes, board minutes and the reports from the committees and task groups, abridged Investigation Committee minutes, Discipline Committee minutes, Governance Change Steering Group minutes and Nominating Criteria Task Group minutes.

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