

March 1st, 2021

The APEGS Council held an online meeting via Microsoft TEAMS on February 4-5, 2021. The meeting was attended by 19 of 19 Councillors and the Directors to Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada. Council will meet next on March 25-26, 2021 via Microsoft TEAMS.

Council received the following presentations and information items:

  • The Communications Manager provided a status update on the 2021 Strategic Communications Plan.
  • The APEGS Director to Engineers Canada provided a written report and a verbal update on the activities of the national organization.
  • The APEGS Director to Geoscientists Canada provided a written report and verbal update on the activities of the national organization.
  • The Director of Registration provided a report on the results of the 2019 CPD Assurance Reviews and the first round of the 2020 CPD Compliance Reviews.
  • The Director of Registration provided an update on the plans for the online 2021 Annual Meeting and Professional Development Conference.

Council passed motions as follows:

  • Approving a budget for the engagement of an accounting consultant to assist with the redevelopment of the budgeting process.
  • Appointing Mel Leu, P.Eng., FEC as the Chair of the Licensee Admissions Committee.
  • Approving the process for Geoscientists-in-Training on required competencies in order to waive confirmatory exams.
  • Approving a procedural change for approving recommendations on the consent agenda of the Academic Review Committee.
  • Approving that APEGS sign onto the Memorandum of Understanding as a permanent participant in the National Professional Practice Exam.
  • Approving that the Spring 2021 Law and Ethics Seminar be held online.
  • Approving 62 new Life Members.
  • Reappointing Trevor Chadwick, P.Eng., Rob Court, P.Eng. and Clare O’Dowd, P.Geo. to the Discipline Committee.
  • Appointing Brad Cochrane, P.Eng. to the Discipline Committee.
  • Approving 18 Regulatory and Administrative Bylaw changes.
  • Appointing Stormy Holmes, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) as the APEGS nominee to the Engineers Canada Board of Directors for a three-year term beginning after the May 2021 Engineers Canada Annual meeting.
  • Supporting the proposed change to the CEAB Interpretative Statement on Licensure.
  • Approving several feasibility plans and some associated recommendations resulting from the Governance Review project.
  • Approving the following work completed by the Nominating Criteria Task Group: Nominating Committee Procedure and Council Applicant Evaluation Matrix.

Council noted and received the following reports:

  • Registrar’s reports for November and December 2020.
  • The unaudited financial statements for November and December 2020.
  • Executive Committee minutes, board minutes and the reports from the committees and task groups, abridged Investigation Committee minutes, Discipline Committee minutes, Governance Change Steering Group minutes and Nominating Criteria Task Group minutes.

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