

November 1st, 2019

The APEGS Council met September 27, 2019 in Saskatoon. The meeting was attended by 18 of 19 councillors and the directors to Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada. Mike Griffin, LLB – APEGS External Legal Counsel attended a portion of the meeting as a guest. Council will meet next December 5 and 6, 2019 in Regina.

Council received the following presentations and information items:

Activity updates from the constituent society liaisons, the ACEC-SK liaison, and the 30by30 Champion’s Group liaison.

The Manager of Communications updated council on the radio and video ads in development.

The Executive Director and Registrar provided council with an update on staffing and the co-op students hired to provide support in an IT capacity.

The Director of Special Projects briefed council on the progress with the implementation of the member database.

The APEGS Directors to Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada reported on the activities at the national organizations.

The Director of Registration reported on the PNWER Summit held in Saskatoon in July, 2019, noting that over 500 delegates were in attendance.

Council passed motions as follows:

Instructing the Experience Review Committee to look at other alternatives to interim assessments, noting that Competency Based Assessment applicants are no longer able to receive an interim assessment.

Requiring all Engineers-in-Training being assessed in the Competency Based Assessment system to demonstrate competencies in a Canadian or Equivalent-to-Canadian work environment, to take effective January 1, 2020.

Approving an updated process for reviewing reports submitted under the Competency Based Assessment system.

Approving the updated policy PPE3.0 – PPE Candidate Conduct.

Approving the updated policy CPD6.0 – CPD Review and CPD6.1 – CPD Registrar’s Action.

Approving Life Membership for the following members:
Baran, Bob B., P.Eng.
Chernaiwsky, Don W., P.Eng.
Cousin, Gerard R., P.Eng.
Dance, John T., P.Eng.
Ganong, Blaine W., P.Eng.
Greif, Peter, P.Eng.
Guerrette, Jacques, P., P.Eng.
Jennings, James A., P.Eng.
Kristoff, Brian J., P.Eng.
Richards, Jack G., P.Eng.
Zimmerman, Henry P., P.Eng.

Approving the revised Terms of Reference for the Governance Board.

Appointing Russel Johnson, P.Eng. as Vice Chair of the Investigation Committee for a two year term.

Appointing Stormy Holmes, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) (Chair), Ernie Barber, P.Eng., FEC, FGC(Hon.) (past Executive Committee), Sherri Doidge, P.Eng. (Group VI – Chemical, Ceramic, Metallurgical), Ryan Johnson, P.Eng. (Southwest District), John Masich, P.Eng. (North District) and Dave Rezansoff, P.Geo., FGC (Geoscience North) to the Nominating Committee for the 2020 Council Elections.

Fixing April 20, 2020 as polling day for the 2020 Council Elections.

Council noted and received the following reports:

Registrar’s reports for June through August 2019.
The report on compliance activities from June 1 to August 31, 2019.

The updated report on the Continuing Professional Development Implementation Plan, Variation Requests and the ethics presentations, including the online module use.

The unaudited financial statements for May, June and July 2019.

Executive Committee minutes, Board minutes and the reports from the committees and task groups, abridged Investigation Committee minutes, and the Discipline Committee minutes.

The Association’s 2020 draft budget.

APEGS Governance Review

On September 26, 2019, also in Saskatoon, APEGS council, Past Presidents and APEGS staff were presented with the first draft of the governance review recommendations. The draft recommendations of T. Bakkeli Consultants Inc. were discussed in an open forum.

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