

January 1st, 2019

The APEGS Council met November 29 and 30, 2018 in Saskatoon. 16 of 19 Councillors were present. Mike Griffin, APEGS legal counsel and Ben Boots, P.Eng., FEC attended as guests. Council will meet next on February 7-8, 2019 in Regina.

Council received the following presentations and information items:

  • Ben Boots, P.Eng., FEC, Chair Sponsorship Task Group, provided a presentation and the draft report to council from the task group. It was noted that the work of the task group should be completed by the spring council planning sessions and their recommendations incorporated into the 2020 budget of the Association.
  • Activity updates were provided from the constituent society liaisons, the ACEC-SK liaison and the 30 by 30 Task Group Liaison.
  • The Executive Director and Registrar provided council with an update on staffing.
  • The Executive Director and Registrar updated council on the 2019 communications plan, which will see the launch of “Dream Big” in the K-12 school system during engineering and geoscience week. Information packages will be sent to all schools and volunteers early in 2019.
  • The Executive Director and Registrar reported that renovations to the APEGS office are now complete.
  • The Executive Director and Registrar provided an update on the Professional Reliance Model resulting from reviews undertaken in British Columbia. It was recently announced that technologists and engineers will be regulated together in BC.
  • The APEGS Directors to Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada reported on the activities at the national organizations.
  • The Director of Special Projects reported on the status of the new member database. The launch of the new member database in the fall of 2018 has revealed a number fixes and wish list items outstanding. The project team anticipates full completion of all outstanding items by late 2020.
  • The President updated council on the activities of The Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) and the economic summit recently held in Whitehorse.

Council passed motions as follows:

  • Approving the Terms of Reference for the new CPD Compliance Committee.
  • Approving Policy AR3.0 as updated to include by-pass option 3. The updates allow the Academic Review Committee to focus on complex cases and allow APEGS staff to review the simple cases through a bypass option framework.
  • Approving Life Membership for the following members:
    Cowan, K. Brian, P.Eng.
    Dalrymple, Walter E., P.Eng.
    Huggan, William R., P.Eng.
    Passy, William G.M., P.Eng.
    Schmidt, Larry D., P.Eng.
  • Appointing Ernie Barber, P.Ag., P.Eng., FEC and Cory Belyk, P.Geo as members of the Audit Committee for a one year term.
  • Approving the 2019 Budget of the Association.

Council noted and received the following reports:

  • Registrar’s reports for October, 2018.
  • The report on compliance activities for September 1 to October 31, 2018 and the Continuing Professional Development Implementation Plan Progress Report.
  • The unaudited financial statements for September, 2018.
  • Executive Committee minutes, Board minutes and the reports from the committees and task groups.

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