
President’s Message

April 5th, 2022

Kristen Darr, P.Geo.


It seems fitting that the theme for this issue is “Assessing the Past, Preparing for the Future.”

Many projects that engineers and geoscientists work on focus on the future, contributing to something brand new. But other projects require a solid understanding of what has occurred in order to know how to approach what is ahead.

Such is the case with those featured in this issue’s articles. Whether participating in analyzing structures built 100 years ago or discovering evidence of activity that occurred millions of years ago, they have developed an understanding of what came before and what that means for what is ahead. Their contributions are making a difference for Saskatchewan going forward.

We are entering a time of year for APEGS when there is a lot to look forward too while also feeling positive as we reflect on what’s been done.

The Annual Meeting and Professional Development Conference is just one reason to feel good about what is coming up for APEGS. Historically, this event has been an opportunity for members to meet face to face. This year, it is a hybrid event, which we are excited to offer members.

I’d like anyone wondering if they should participate to please take the time to review pages 27 to 33. There are really great opportunities for continued professional development, which is a mandatory requirement of members. Plus, it is an occasion to meet other professionals and to reflect on your career so far and what you have planned for your future, which is a win.

You can learn more about some of those who are active in this association by reading the biographies of those running for council in the nomination booklet emailed to you in March. The council election is around the corner and the nominating committee has successfully leveraged the new process to receive nominations and qualify the nominees to be put forward as candidates on the ballot. All candidates bring a unique perspective and would be a great addition to Council. Electronic voting begins on March 14, 2022 and closes April 11, 2022 at 5 p.m. CST. with the new council to be inducted at the annual meeting.

As we move towards the council election and the Annual Meeting and Professional Development Conference, it is nearing the end of my term as president of APEGS. As such, I would like thank all of my fellow council members as well as the staff of APEGS for a great experience. There have been a lot of developments over the last year, including making significant progress on our governance work and thanking Bob McDonald for his service as he retired and welcoming Stormy Holmes in the role of Executive Director and Registrar.

I am very proud of the work that gets done by APEGS and to be a part of it along with some wonderful people. In the upcoming year, I look forward to sitting alongside the new president, John Desjarlais, P.Eng., at the council table. He is a phenomenal leader and I am excited to see him take over the reins as APEGS president.


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