On May 4, 2024, the purposes of the Equity and Diversity and Environment and Sustainability committees were merged to form the Public Accountability Advisory Group. The group is comprised of licensed engineers and geoscientists and public representatives who will oversee our efforts to monitor and respond to current and emerging issues of potential public interest, including but not limited to environment and sustainability, equity and diversity, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and other issues. The output of the work of the group will help inform APEGS’ strategic plan.

The purpose of the advisory group is to fulfill APEGS’ mandate to license and regulate the practices of professional engineering and professional geoscience in a manner that upholds public confidence in the profession by:

  • Monitoring current trends and issues of potential opportunity or concern for the public to determine whether they may be relevant to APEGS, engineers and geoscientists.
  • Recommend responses and actions regarding relevant trends and issues to minimize risk to the public.
  • Assist APEGS in the facilitation of learning opportunities for engineers and geoscientists that raise awareness in areas of public concern and encourage incorporation into professional practice.
  • Review and make recommendations on the policies and practices of APEGS to help ensure risk to the public is minimized in the practice of professional engineering and practice of professional geoscience.

To ensure the appropriate level of public voice, APEGS is seeking applications from members of the public, who reside in Saskatchewan and are not engineers or geoscientists, to serve on the advisory group for a maximum three-year term starting October 2024. There are currently two positions available.


  • The advisory group is scheduled to meet twice a year for approximately three hours. One meeting may be in-person but will have a virtual option available.
  • Come prepared to participate in assigned advisory group activities and deliberations.

All interested members of the public are encouraged to submit a resume to apegs@apegs.ca and briefly explain why you are interested in this opportunity. Submissions will be accepted until Friday, August 16, 2024, at 5:00 pm CST.


Engineering regulators sign agreement to strengthen collaboration and harmonization

On May 23, 2024, APEGS representatives joined Canada’s other engineering regulators across the country to sign a National Statement of Collaboration to further expand their partnership. The signing ceremony took place in Winnipeg as part of Engineers Canada’s 2024 Spring Meetings and Annual Meeting of Members.

Representing APEGS at the ceremony were President Erin Moss Tressel, P.Eng., P.Geo., FEC, FGC, Executive Director and Registrar Stormy Holmes, P. Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), APEGS representative to Engineers Canada Ernest Barber, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), and Andrew Lockwood, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), incoming APEGS representative to Engineers Canada.

The National Statement of Collaboration reflects regulators’ renewed commitment to proactively work together to address national and international barriers to mobility for engineers and engineering entities, further advancing public safety and increasing regulatory efficiency.

“Throughout Canada, engineering regulators are navigating changes in public and government expectations and in the regulatory landscape,“ said APEGS President Erin Moss Tressel. “Working together more closely to align with and meet those changes is the responsible approach and will provide significant benefits for engineers in Saskatchewan and across the country, not to mention the public whose safety we are responsible to protect.”

“The signing of the statement marks a pivotal step forward for engineering regulation in Canada,” said Nancy Hill, B.A.Sc., LL.B., FCAE, FEC, P. Eng., President of Engineers Canada. “Through our collective commitment to collaboration, we strengthen our ability to uphold high standards of practice, promote public safety, and foster an equitable engineering environment for current and future engineers in each jurisdiction.”

Collaboration has been foundational to advancing engineering in Canada. Over the years, regulators have demonstrated their dedication to collaboration through programs and initiatives such as the development and implementation of the accreditation system, which ensures quality level education regardless of where the engineering education is pursued in the country. Regulators have also collectively adopted the competency-based assessment, a tool that defines the competencies to practice engineering across Canada.


We are thrilled to introduce the new President of APEGS, Erin Moss Tressel, P.Eng., P.Geo., FEC, FGC!

Erin holds a B.Sc. in Geological Engineering and M.Eng., both from University of Saskatchewan. She has worked in the Saskatchewan consulting industry for 20 years specializing in the mining, geotechnical, and environmental fields.

Erin has served on the council for the past five years and has been a volunteer in a variety of areas for more than 11 years. Additional volunteer work includes serving as the chair of the CIM Saskatoon branch and providing numerous guest lectures at the elementary and post-secondary levels on mining and geology-related topics.

Please join us in welcoming Erin Moss Tressel as our new president!


The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Regulatory Bylaws requires that the annual meeting of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan be held in the first six months of each year, so it is customarily held on the first Saturday in May.

This year’s events were a professional development conference on Friday, May 3 in person and virtual with the theme, Resilience in a Changing World, followed by the president’s reception that evening. The 94th annual meeting of the association was called to order in person and virtually at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 4, 2024 with 196 (104 in person and 92 virtual) voting members in attendance. The business of the meeting included:

  • Minutes from the May 6, 2023 annual meeting
  • Business arising from the minutes
  • Message from the president
  • Governance continuum update
  • Reports from Executive Director and Registrar, Public Appointees
  • The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act review update
  • One Bylaw amendment – see below for more
  • Audited financial statements
  • New business – one motion from the floor
  • 2024 election results
  • Council induction

The annual report for 2023 is available at https://www.apegs.ca/about/publications/annual-reports and in print by contacting the APEGS office.

Council Elections

APEGS engaged Insightrix Research Inc., an independent third-party research firm, to conduct the 2024 council elections. Insightrix issued ballots on March 11, 2024, and polling day was on April 8, 2024.

The Executive Director and Registrar reported that the total number of votes cast was 1,587 (1,575 electronic and 12 mail), being 10.23% of the 15,506 total ballots sent out.

The new officers of the council are President Erin Moss Tressel, P.Eng., P.Geo., FEC, FGC, President-Elect Ian Farthing, P.Eng., and Vice-President Nicholas Kaminski, P.Eng. The three new councillors are Neche Igboke, P.Eng., Derek van Nes, P.Eng., and Wesley Wizniuk, P.Eng. To view all council members, go to https://www.apegs.ca/about/apegs-governance/current-council-members.

Bylaw Amendments

At the annual meeting on May 4, 2024, the members present passed motions to amend the following from The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Regulatory Bylaws.

  • Regulatory Bylaw 6.1(1) – Life Member

The amendment will eliminate a contravention of the Human Rights Code by removing the age requirement for life member (engineering) and life member (geoscience). The view that people only retire at 65 is not reflective of the differing ages that people retire from the professions.

This bylaw established the requirements for an applicant to be registered as a life member (engineering) and life member (geoscience). Both life membership categories require applicants to be retired from practicing the professions and be at least 65 years of age. Since the age requirement is a contravention of the Human Rights Code, the bylaw amendment would remove the age requirement for life members.

The removal of the age requirement would allow professional members who are currently retired, but are not yet 65, to obtain life membership.

Existing Bylaw:

Life Member
6.1(1) A member in good standing who is 65 years of age or more, or who was designated a life member pursuant to The Engineering Professions Act, as it existed on March 5, 1997, and who is retired is eligible to be granted life member status by Council.

Proposed Bylaw:

Life Member
6.1(1) A member in good standing, or who was designated a life member pursuant to The Engineering Professions Act, as it existed on March 5, 1997, and who is retired is eligible to be granted life member status by Council.

Before the proposed bylaw amendment can come into force, APEGS must submit it to the minister responsible for The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act and then to the Gazette for publishing.

More information about the amendment is available at Proposed Bylaw Amendments.

Registration is open from March 20 to April 25 for in-person or virtual attendance. Go to the link below for information and to register.



What is your personal background (hometown, schools, family, etc.)?

I grew up on a farm outside of Kenaston, SK with my three older siblings. I attended Kenaston School from kindergarten to grade 12, graduating in 2006. I like to joke I spent the majority of my time outside and only came in to sleep and eat, exploring the many acres around me.

Why did you choose geoscience and what is your area of specialty?

I have many memories as a young kid cracking open rocks on an old anvil we had in the shop.  It was a running joke in the family that I would one day be a geologist.  I ended up taking an elective geology class in high school and was hooked! In the beginning, I knew I wanted my career to take me to remote places and explore a lot of untouched areas within hard rock exploration.

Where and when did you study geoscience/get your degree and how would you describe your experience?

I attended the University of Saskatchewan from 2006 to 2010 with the set goal of getting my geology degree. I had spent the summer working for USask crop science and was intrigued by the idea of a career in agronomy, however, I stuck with geology. I had a great experience at USask and the programs were still relatively small. I learnt a lot, had a lot of fun, and made some great memories.

What jobs/roles have you held as a geoscientist?

I worked for APEX Geoscience Ltd. during my undergrad and postgraduate as an exploration geoscientist-in-training.  Working with them allowed me to see some amazing places in Canada and overseas in Australia. I returned home and worked with Golden Band Resources as a mine geoscientist-in-training in Northern Saskatchewan, this role provided valuable experience in the mining industry.  I then worked as a mine geologist in the potash sector with legacy Agrium until 2021, allowing me to settle down and start a family.  I recently made the switch back into the hard rock industry working for Foran Mining in 2022. I am now in a new role as an exploration environment and permitting specialist and have been enjoying the new experience of being involved with environmental work and community engagement.

What have you appreciated about your career opportunities and experiences?

The people hands down! I’ve met and stayed in touch with amazing people along the way who have helped me grow professionally and personally. I have also had the opportunity to visit and see many neat places and to spend time in nature exploring (what I would be doing in my free time if I wasn’t at work). Rotation work also allowed me to do some neat stuff on my time off, further exploring and travelling.

Who has inspired or mentored you in your career? What insight or wisdom did they impart?

That’s a tough question as so many people come to mind.  Rob L’Heureux was a great mentor early in my career who taught me not only a lot of great technical information but also some of the ins and outs of the industry that I carry with me to this day. The world of exploration does have its challenges, so it was important for me to have that positive influence and foundation right from the start.  I also must give a shout-out to Terry Croteau, who had a similar impact on me when it came to the mining industry and set me up for success. There were countless other folks along the way, and each one had something different to share. I appreciate the fact I had great mentors in my career.

What activities or interests do you enjoy outside of work?

I live on an acreage outside of Saskatoon with my husband and two daughters. I enjoy spending time with them going on all kinds of adventures (collecting copious amounts of insects for my oldest). I am also an avid motorcyclist and a motorcycle instructor with the Saskatchewan Safety Council, where we set people up for a safe experience in the graduated rider program.

At an awards banquet in Regina SK on Thursday, March 7, 2024, APEGS celebrated the exemplary competence of the following award recipients to foster professional excellence among members, inspire the next generation of professionals, and raise awareness of the role of engineers, geoscientists, and APEGS to protect the public.

Brian Eckel Distinguished Service – Dr.  Terry Fonstad, P.Eng., P.Ag., FEC, FGC (Hon)

Terry has spent the past 35 years of his career supporting food security through environmental engineering for animal agriculture as a consulting engineer and professor of engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. He believes the privilege of education comes with the obligation to give back and has served on local municipal council, APEGS council and executive and currently serves on several industry boards of directors. To learn more, check out this video.

Outstanding Achievement – Dr. Philip LePoudre, P.Eng.

Philip’s work at Nortek Data Center Cooling and the University of Saskatchewan led to the commercialization of a completely new liquid to air membrane exchanger technology with a wide range of application in air treatment and cooling for the HVAC industry. He has over twenty inventions related to exchanger and cooling system design, and is currently developing power and water efficient cooling solutions for the rapidly growing data center market. To learn more, check out this video.

McCannel – Dr. Sumith Kahanda, P.Eng.

With over a decade of dedication, Sumith has been at the forefront of engineering and managing water and wastewater projects, ensuring communities thrive through sustainable water solutions. Beyond his professional achievements, he passionately mentors the next generation of engineers and selflessly serves as a volunteer, inspiring a brighter future in engineering communities. To learn more, check out this video.

Exceptional Engineering or Geoscience Project – RMD Engineering Inc. – Emergency Use Ventilators

As the COVID-19 pandemic started overwhelming healthcare systems around the world, Jim Boire and his team decided to design and manufacture an emergency use ventilator. In 42 days RMD Engineering Inc. had developed and achieved 3rd party approval and submitted to the federal government for approval, and within nine months their ventilator received COVID-19 Medical Device Authorization from Health Canada. Along the way, RMD Engineering’s subsidiary, One Health Medical Technologies became Saskatchewan’s first licensed medical device manufacturer. To learn more, check out this video.

Environmental Excellence – Petroleum Technology Research Centre Inc. – Aquistore

Petroleum Technology Research Centre’s Aquistore deep saline CO2 storage project is the first project in the world injecting and permanently storing captured CO2 from a coal-fired power station. Since injection began in 2015, almost 600,000 tonnes of CO2 have been stored 3.2 km underground in the Deadwood deep saline aquifer, which is like removing 150,000 cars from the road for a year. The project has also contributed to advancing monitoring technologies like fiber optics and set point seismic sources – helping other industries to advance CCS to lower their GHG emissions. To learn more, check out this video.

Promising Member – Jenae Nixon, P.Eng.

Since becoming a professional engineer in 2022 Jenae has mainly worked on the geotechnical inspection, monitoring, risk assessment, rehabilitation, dam safety review, and design of dams and water infrastructure in the province. She contributes time to the profession on the Licensee Admissions Committee and Regina Geotechnical Group as well as to her community through curling and the South East Regional Science Fair Committee. To learn more, check out this video.

Friend of the Professions – Dr. Dominique Turcotte

As a Lead Environmental Protection Officer at the Ministry of Environment, Dr. Dominique Turcotte helps the public, engineers and geoscientists understand waste and industrial facility permitting requirements, contributing to safeguarding the environment for a sustainable future. To learn more, check out this video.

The Cloud Administrator is the key systems administrator for managing the APEGS multi-cloud environment, which includes Azure, VDI, XaaS and other hosted cloud environments.

As a SME on various cloud services, you will build strong working relationships with end users (employees) and vendors to provide high-quality solutions and timely support. While playing the lead role in the areas of infrastructure operations, data architecture, blob storage, and containerized applications, you will also work with transformation project teams to: Identify technical requirements for the cloud platforms; Assist with translating the business requirements; Lead the service design and implementation of application and data services.

In this role, you are responsible for the development, integration, management, security and maintenance of server technologies within the APEGS IT infrastructure. You will also participate in the design, build, and operate phases, providing input into the future direction of server technologies and management.

This position may be an excellent fit for you if you have:

  • An undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Computer Software Development, or equivalent combination of education and experience.
  • Hands-on experience in production server environments for administration, backup, cloud storage and network protocols.
  • A genuine interest in working as much with the people who do the work as the systems that support the work.
  • 5+ years of hands-on technical working experience with:
  • Administering Microsoft Active Directory, DNS, SFTP, edge computing cloud services
  • IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS in multi-cloud environments
  • Windows, .NET (C#) and SQL
  • Apache, mysql, php
  • Linux/Unix operating systems and open source tools
  • Scripting languages, such as Powershell on Windows or Python on Linux
  • MFA, SSO and identity management standards like SAML, OIDC and OAuth
  • Windows 2019/2022 Server, IIS, MS SQL, VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Azure/VDI/M365/Intune/SharePoint, Hybrid Cloud Identity (Microsoft EntraID)
  • Administration of systems integration patterns (REST, SOAP APIs etc.) across multi-cloud environments

As part of the technology team, supported by the leadership guidance of the Director of Technology, this position contributes to the reputation of APEGS as a sound, professional regulator of the engineering and geoscience professions in Saskatchewan.

Before applying, click on the link below to review the complete description of the position, the minimum qualifications, and desired competencies.

Cloud Administrator

To Apply:

You will be joining a dedicated team that is navigating through an exciting era of business transformation within a self-regulatory framework. APEGS employees work onsite at the APEGS office in Regina. In addition to an office location surrounded by too many amenities to name, APEGS offers employees a competitive salary and total rewards program which includes: Employer-paid benefits, paid vacation time, paid sick leave, parking, an employee family assistance program, continuous learning and development opportunities, and financial support for pursuing further education or credentials. We also foster fun and comradery, including initiatives organized through our staff-led social committee.

Please submit a cover letter outlining how your combined experience, education and talents align with the position, together with your resume to:  hr@Apegs.ca by 5:00pm (CST) April 2, 2024. (We encourage you to apply early, as interviews may begin prior to the closing date.)

APEGS is committed to supporting accessibility and diversity. Requests for accommodation can be made at any stage of the recruitment and selection process. If you are selected by APEGS as a candidate for the position, please make your requirements known at the time we contact you.

The APEGS multi-year transformational road map to modernize and optimize regulatory and operational business processes is ready to launch!

The Manager of Transformation will manage and facilitate two enterprise-wide programs that are critical components of the broader transformational strategy and road map:

  1. Business Process Management Program. Review, develop and implement enhanced and new business processes, aimed at building future-focused capabilities in line with emerging regulatory practices
  2. Digital Transformation Program. Identify and implement digital solutions to improve business process efficiency and outcomes in line with future state regulatory standards, while enhancing the digital experience of employees, applicants, registrants and external stakeholders.

This position may be an excellent fit for you IF you are:

  • Seasoned in the people-side of change, proactively and collaboratively engaging with the people that do the work, as business process transformation and digitization initiatives come to fruition
  • Motivated to lead initiatives that require creativity, innovation, and practical application from a size, scale, and complexity perspective
  • A highly skilled facilitator and enabler
  • Seeking a better opportunity to apply your proven program management and project management skills to their fullest.

As part of the management team, supported by the leadership guidance of the Director of Technology, this position contributes to the reputation of APEGS as a sound, professional regulator of the engineering and geoscience professions in Saskatchewan.

Before applying, click on the link below to review the complete description of the position, the minimum qualifications, and desired competencies.

Manager of Transformation

To Apply:

You will be joining a dedicated team that is navigating through an exciting era of business transformation within a self-regulatory framework. APEGS employees work onsite at the APEGS office in Regina. In addition to an office location surrounded by too many amenities to name, APEGS offers employees a competitive salary and total rewards program which includes: Employer-paid benefits, paid vacation time, paid sick leave, parking, an employee family assistance program, continuous learning and development opportunities, and financial support for pursuing further education or credentials. We also foster fun and comradery, including initiatives organized through our staff-led social committee.

Please submit a cover letter outlining how your combined experience, education and talents align with the position, together with your resume to: hr@Apegs.ca by 5:00pm (CST) April 2, 2024. (We encourage you to apply early, as interviews may begin prior to the closing date.)

APEGS is committed to supporting accessibility and diversity. Requests for accommodation can be made at any stage of the recruitment and selection process. If you are selected by APEGS as a candidate for the position, please make your requirements known at the time we contact you.

Due to recent organizational restructuring and an impending parental leave, APEGS is seeking two experienced communications and public relations professionals to join the team. You will contribute to developing and maintaining the reputation of APEGS as a sound, professional regulator of the engineering and geoscience professions in Saskatchewan. The outputs you produce will be relied on, seen, and utilized by internal employees, applicants, over 15,000 APEGS registrants, and external stakeholders, with the overall regulatory purpose of protecting the public.

One position is suited perfectly for a seasoned communications professional seeking a short-term (16 to 18 month) opportunity to make a meaningful difference by building, modernizing and implementing impactful strategies.

The second position is a permanent, full-time position. It comes with all the benefits of the temporary position and will be of interest to professionals seeking a new opportunity to play a vital long-term role in bringing a multi-year strategic communications plan to life.

Your qualifications and experience will align with a market-competitive salary range that starts at $78,000, supplemented with a comprehensive benefits program as part of the APEGS Total Rewards offering. Both positions report to the Director of Communications and Public Relations.

Qualifications include:

  • Diploma or undergraduate degree in journalism, public relations, English or an equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Three to five years progressive, broad-range experience as a strong, solid generalist that is keen to lean on external third parties for highly specialized skill sets when needed
  • Highly developed writing and editing skills, with proven ability to create customized pieces of work for a wide array of audiences

See the link below for a complete description of the position, the minimum qualifications, and desired competencies.

Communications and Public Relations Specialist

To Apply:

You will be joining a dedicated team that is navigating through an exciting era of business transformation within a self-regulatory framework. APEGS employees work onsite at the APEGS office in Regina. In addition to an office location surrounded by too many amenities to name, APEGS offers employees a competitive salary and total rewards program which includes: Employer-paid benefits, paid vacation time, paid sick leave, an employee family assistance program, continuous learning and development opportunities, and financial support for pursuing further education or credentials. We also foster fun and comradery, including initiatives organized through our staff-led social committee.

Please submit a cover letter outlining how your combined experience, education and talents align with the position, together with your resume to:  hr@Apegs.ca by 5:00pm (CST) March 25, 2024.

APEGS is committed to supporting accessibility and diversity. Requests for accommodations can be made at any stage of the recruitment and selection process. If you are selected by APEGS as a candidate for the position, please make your requirements known at the time we contact you.

What is your personal background (hometown, schools, family, etc.)?

I grew up in the Regina, SK area (White City), as the middle child in a large family of six kids. I’m recently married (to an engineer) and still live in the Regina area. I attended Greenall High School in Balgonie and graduated in 2011.

Why did you choose engineering and what is your area of specialty?

I was always interested in technology, especially software and electronics. Engineering seemed like a natural choice to me. I think I was particularly drawn to the design aspects and the chance to problem-solve as a career.

Where and when did you study engineering/get your degree and how would you describe your experience?

I attended the University of Regina (2011-2016) in the Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE) program. This program was a great fit for my interests with its combination of electrical/electronics and software systems design. I felt this program set me up for careers in a variety of industries. I also participated in the engineering co-op program which was very valuable for getting some initial work experience. One of my co-op positions led to my first post-graduate engineering role which I am grateful for.

What jobs/roles have you held as an engineer?

After graduating from university, I began my career as an Engineer-in-Training at SaskEnergy. I worked in the SCADA and automation field and gained experience designing, testing, and commissioning PLC control and software HMI systems. I enjoyed applying both the hardware and software aspects of my ESE education in this role, and having the opportunity for on-site work was rewarding.

In 2018, I left my position at SaskEnergy and co-founded a software medical device company (Limbus AI) alongside my brother Dr. Joshua Giambattista, a radiation oncologist, Carter Kolbeck, another University of Regina ESE grad, and Dr. Karl Otto, an experienced innovator and medical physicist in the radiation therapy field. We set out to develop software technology that uses machine learning to improve the efficiency of organ contouring in planning cancer radiation treatments. Since 2018 we have developed our technology and grown to deploy our software medical device in hundreds of hospitals and cancer clinics worldwide.

I obtained my P.Eng. in 2020, and today I oversee product development and regulatory compliance at Limbus AI. I manage a team of staff ranging from quality management and regulatory affairs to other engineers and computer scientists. My work involves software design and development, application of international standards relating to medical device development, risk management, cybersecurity, and verification and validation. Quite the departure from my initial experience in the utility industry, but a chance to apply my education and past experience in software and electronics and design in a new and exciting field.

What have you appreciated about your career opportunities and experiences?

While I’ve had a relatively short career so far, I am grateful I chose engineering as a career. It’s provided great opportunities to do something I really like, freedom in the industry of work and companies to work for, and rewarding daily experiences.

What activities or interests do you enjoy outside of work?

I stay active playing soccer and golfing in the summer, and I like to participate where I can in Regina’s growing local technology startup community (through Conexus Cultivator). I lend my time to mentor other startup founders (many of them engineers) and it’s great to be able to pass along some of the knowledge I have and be involved in this local community.

Mark your calendars! APEGS is excited to announce the 2024 Spring Professional Development Days. As part of the Spring PD Days, APEGS is offering registrants the below two workshops:

Business Analytics for Engineers, Geoscientists and Managers
March 1, 2024
DoubleTree Hotel – 1975 Broad Street, Regina, SK
Click here for more information and to register.

Get to the Point! A Technical Writing Course for Business and Technical Professionals
March 4-5, 2024
DoubleTree Hotel – 1975 Broad Street, Regina, SK
Click here for more information and to register.

Celebrate Engineering and Geoscience Week by attending the APEGS Awards Banquet. The awards highlight Saskatchewan engineers and geoscientists for their contributions to the public and the professions. They showcase and recognize exemplary competence and conduct to foster professional excellence among members, inspire the next generation of professionals, and raise awareness of the role of engineers, geoscientists, and APEGS to protect the public.

Seven awards will be presented at the banquet as part of Engineering and Geoscience Week, which is March 3 to 9, 2024. This year’s award recipients are listed below:

Brian Eckel Distinguished Service – Dr. Terrance (Terry) Fonstad, P.Eng., P.Ag., FEC, FGC (Hon)
An honour given only to those who truly exemplify the best standards of engineering and geoscience in Saskatchewan.

Outstanding Achievement Award – Dr. Philip LePoudre, P.Eng.
Honours members who show technical excellence and achievement in engineering and/or geoscience in Saskatchewan.

McCannel Award – Dr. Sumith Kahanda, P.Eng.
Honours service to APEGS, and to the Professions as a whole.

Exceptional Engineering/Geoscience Project Award – RMD Engineering – Emergency Use Ventilators
Recognizes accomplishments in engineering and/or geoscience.

Environmental Excellence Award – Aquistore by Petroleum Technology Research Centre
Recognizes the exceptional achievements by an individual or team related to environmental protection and preservation.

Promising Member Award – Jenae Nixon, P.Eng.
Recognize exceptional achievements by a professional member in the early stages of his/her career in Saskatchewan.

Friend of the Professions Award – Dr. Dominique Turcotte
Recognizes exceptional achievements or unique contributions by a non-member in the promotion of the professions.

Click here for more information and to register.

APEGS is always striving to be a better regulator. In December 2023 APEGS Council approved new policies regarding how academic and experience qualifications are assessed for professional registration. The changes came into effect January 1, 2024 and are aimed at ensuring fair, transparent, and timely processes, while maintaining admissions standards to protect the public. We aim to achieve a level of regulation that is both sufficient and necessary to protect the public.

APEGS will be using a confidence-based approach to both academic and experience assessment processes. In cases where APEGS has high confidence that the applicant meets the requirements to practice safely in the public interest, the review will be limited. In cases where APEGS has low confidence, the review will be more rigorous. Detailed assessments will be undertaken by professional staff, with oversight and auditing of their work by volunteer assessors and the academic and experience review committees.

These changes will affect you if you are, or are applying as, a member in training and you do not have a Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) accredited engineering degree or a Canadian four-year Bachelor of Science degree in geoscience. Below is a summary of the most notable changes. For more details see the website. Relevant links are provided below.

For member in training applicants:

  • Any applicant that APEGS deems to be missing one or more years of full-time equivalent university level engineering/geoscience education will not be eligible for an academic assessment and their application will be denied. They may be deemed to meet the academic requirement for engineering/geoscience licensee, as appropriate.
  • Only four years of acceptable experience is required to qualify for the experience option to try and get confirmatory exams waived.
  • Any applicant who APEGS deems to have a four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering or geoscience at a comparable level to a Canadian one, and at least 10 years of acceptable engineering/geoscience experience, will be given the option to have a full competency assessment of their work experience prior to an academic assessment. If all the experience requirements are met, a detailed academic assessment will not be required. See website for details https://www.apegs.ca/apply/how-to-apply/engineer-in-training/academic-assessment

For work experience reporting:

  • Submission Quality Checks
    • Professional staff will be doing a quality check on all competency-based assessment submissions. If the quality check is not passed applicants will receive a notification of the shortcomings and be required to redo their self-assessment, including validations before the submission will be formally assessed. See the APEGS website for details https://www.apegs.ca/apply/how-to-apply/work-experience-reporting.

Introducing new Public Appointee, John Breakey!

John joined APEGS a month ago serving on the Discipline Committee. The role of public appointees is to represent the public in the self-regulation of the professions of engineering and geoscience by bringing an external viewpoint and transparency to the governance and regulation of the professions. They are appointed according to The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act by a Lieutenant Governor Order in Council upon recommendation of the minister responsible for the act.

John has spent the last 30 years in the energy industry, primarily in land negotiation and acquisition for oil and gas. He was also a major shareholder in a corporate farm operation. His interests include fishing, hunting, and spending time outdoors with family.

As a member of the Discipline Committee, John offers an independent voice to the discussions and decisions of the committee. “It is important to have a public appointee to bring a fresh set of eyes to the ever-important task of maintaining safety for the public,” said John.

John attended his first council meeting with APEGS at the beginning of December. About his experience, John said, “The participants show a high degree of professionalism with a strong desire to maintain the same going forward.” John hopes that through his business and work experience he’ll be able to make meaningful contributions to APEGS.

In November, the Government of Alberta proposed act changes that will enable technology companies and workers to use the title “Software Engineer” without holding a professional engineering licence from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta.

In Saskatchewan, like the acts in all the other provinces and territories, The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act only allows professionals licensed by APEGS to use the title “Software Engineer,” “Computer Engineer,” and related titles that prefix “Engineer” with IT-related disciplines and practices.

It is important for the public to understand that, in Saskatchewan, only licensed professionals have the qualifications, competence, and ethics to practice engineering in the public interest, and only they can use the title “Engineer”. Allowing others to use the title without being licensed confuses the public over who is allowed to call themselves a professional engineer, and therefore, who is qualified to protect the public and be held accountable for the work they do.

As APEGS continues through the process of proposing other act and bylaw changes, it will uphold the necessity to restrict the title and practice of engineering.

What is your personal background (hometown, schools, family, etc.)?

I was born in Tehran capital of Iran, and I have been living there up until now. I have a son who lived in Canada (B.C.) with his mother for a while. I also have a sister and two brothers, and my parents live near me.

Why did you choose engineering and what is your area of specialty?

One of the main reasons why I decided to become an engineer was the relationship between the worlds of mathematics and engineering. This gives me the opportunity to solve problems and design things that really matter. Also, it helps me apply my mathematical talents to find innovative solutions. I have been working as a civil and geotechnical engineer in research, construction, and consulting practice for the past 20 years.

Where and when did you study engineering/get your degree and how would you describe your experience?

My highest academic degree certification is a Ph.D. in civil engineering-geotechnical with honours. Having held senior engineering and management positions in civil industry in Iran, I have long experience in detailed investigation and civil engineering studies associated with structure and infrastructure projects.

What jobs/roles have you held as an engineer?

In addition to APEGS licensure, I hold the highest engineering practice certification in execution, supervision, and design in Iran. Site supervisor, civil and geotechnical engineering specialist, researcher,  and project manager are included in my previous responsibilities. From an academic view, my research has concentrated on continuum mechanics, constitutive models, computational modelling, and experimental studies.

What have you appreciated about your career opportunities and experiences?

I believe my career has had a positive impact on the company’s performance as a whole. Both my manager and co-workers appreciate my attempts and especially admire my developing research. My passion for innovation and technology has led me to incorporate machine learning and deep learning into my work, bringing a fresh perspective to the industry.

Who has inspired or mentored you in your career? What insight or wisdom did they impart?

I have been working as a civil and geotechnical engineer in research, construction, and consulting practice from 2002 to 2023, and for the last decade, I have tried my best to stay connected with this area of university. In this way, both my late Prof. Sadrnejad and my Ph.D. supervisor Prof. Noorzad have greatly inspired me. I have also always been inspired by my parents. This caused me to try my best to enrich my scientific role as an engineer and researcher. For example, in one of my studies in the geotechnical field, I was encouraged to provide a triaxial apparatus with a suction control mechanism to fulfill the experimental part of my study. Sometimes providing laboratory instruments can be tough work in my field of practice; however, I am used to fulfilling the work assigned to me and trying my best to remedy the defects by myself.

What activities or interests do you enjoy outside of work?

I commonly exercise and go to the gym. As a member of a small charity group, I help people and patients in need. My contribution in editing scientific manuscripts, reviewing papers and other similar activities are parts of what I do in my free time.

Anything else you want to say?

I believe that we should move on the border of knowledge at the same time as executive work. This important issue not only helps us to fulfill the assigned duties in the best way but also increases our passion to create innovation and acquire updated knowledge. As an example, in my recent research, we have been trying to train a model through a deep learning algorithm based on neural network architecture. With this method, we have tried to utilize Generative Artificial Intelligence as a substitute for traditional machine learning algorithms. In this way, we can be sure that the quality of the work and services will be enriched.

What is your personal background (hometown, schools, family, etc.)?

Originally from Egypt, specifically Alexandria, I had the privilege of growing up in a coastal city. Growing up by the ocean, with its endless horizon symbolizing unlimited possibilities, has profoundly shaped my perspective on life and career. This experience has significantly influenced my life and aspirations, teaching me to embrace challenges with a sense of adventure and to approach my career with a mindset of endless possibilities and growth.

Why did you choose engineering and what is your area of specialty?

Several experiences sparked my interest in chemical engineering. My dad was a chemist, my brother was an engineer, and most of my family members were either chemists or engineers. I was inspired by their experiences, and I wanted to combine both fields as a chemical engineer to gain a broader vision. I was interested in making a real impact and becoming the kind of engineer that the world needs. I was particularly interested in exploring critical problems and synthesizing new materials, especially for the biomedical field.

Where and when did you study engineering/get your degree and how would you describe your experience?

I earned my Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Chemical Engineering from Alexandria University in Egypt. Following that, I pursued my Master of Science (M.S.) in Chemical Engineering at Kuwait University, where I achieved an exceptional cumulative GPA of 4.00/4.00. Subsequently, I completed my Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Engineering at Ryerson University (currently Toronto Metropolitan University) in Toronto, Canada, with an outstanding cumulative GPA of 4.33/4.33. My Ph.D. thesis focused on membrane science and technology. Each of these educational experiences has been instrumental in expanding my knowledge, skills, and career. I particularly cherish my undergraduate experience in Egypt, as it provided a comprehensive fundamental program that equipped me with the essential knowledge I continue to apply in my work. I am deeply proud of my PhD, which holds a special place in my heart due to its significant impact. My academic journey was marked by notable achievements, including the prestigious Governor General Gold Medal, the most prestigious academic honour in Canada, and the Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in recognition of my exceptional research contributions.

What jobs/roles have you held as an engineer?

I’ve had the privilege of holding various engineering roles and gaining exposure to diverse experiences in different countries, including Egypt, Kuwait, and Canada. I’ve worked in both academic and industry settings, which have provided me with a unique blend of experiences. In the academic environment, I actively engaged in teaching, research, academic activities, and collaborative projects that utilized different software and advanced technologies. In industry, I gained significant experience as both a product development engineer and a polymer process engineer, with a primary focus on research and development, material sciences, and nanotechnology. These diverse experiences have equipped me with a broad skill set and a profound understanding of engineering principles.

What have you appreciated about your career opportunities and experiences?

I’ve appreciated several aspects of my career opportunities and experiences, but one that stands out the most is my ability to contribute to problem-solving. The most rewarding facet of my work, particularly in research, is the direct impact it has on improving the lives of individuals, especially kidney failure patients. It’s an incredible privilege to be part of the efforts to find solutions to critical health problems. Knowing that the research and work I do may help enhance the quality of life and potentially save lives is both motivating and inspiring. This sense of purpose has been a driving force throughout my career, and it’s deeply gratifying to see how our contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it most. This appreciation for the real-world impact of my work continues to inspire me in my professional journey.

Who has inspired or mentored you in your career? What insight or wisdom did they impart?

Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate to have the support and guidance of great mentors in the field of chemical engineering. These mentors have provided me with invaluable insights and wisdom that have profoundly shaped my career path. Their continued mentorship has been instrumental in my professional growth, and I deeply value the ongoing support that I always receive from my mentors who believe that learning doesn’t end with a degree. This belief has driven me to launch and chair a Women in Engineering chapter in 2018 to promote and support the success of female undergraduate and graduate chemical engineering students at the University of Saskatchewan.

What activities or interests do you enjoy outside of work?

What I enjoy the most is my time with my kids and the fun we have together. These moments not only provide a break from the demands of work but also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to recharge my positive energy.

Anything else you want to say?

In closing, I’d like to add that I’m incredibly proud of my journey as an engineer. Throughout the years, I’ve had the privilege of working on projects that have not only expanded my technical expertise but have also allowed me to contribute to meaningful solutions especially when it comes to helping kidney failure patients. Looking ahead, my aspirations as an engineer in my research program are boundless. I’m passionate about staying at the forefront of innovation within my field and continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. My ultimate goal is to create an artificial wearable kidney based on filters compatible with the body to help kidney failure patients and solve dialysis problems.

APEGS is engaging in a review of the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act and associated bylaws. The act and bylaws have not been reviewed since 1997. Review is important to help us regulate the professions more effectively. With the introduction of the Labour Mobility and Fair Registration Practices Act in May 2022, the time is right to evolve our processes and increase our responsiveness.

We are not alone. Other provincial professional regulators in Saskatchewan and engineering and geoscience regulators throughout Canada have gone or are going through the same changes as APEGS.

Themes of Change

  1. Simplify: Move specifics from the act to bylaws and procedures
  2. Modernize Terminology: Use terminology that is inclusive and easily understood by the public and reflects our role as a regulator.
  3. Expand Entity Regulation: Give APEGS scope to audit and enforce standards of practice and investigate and discipline business entities, in addition to individual registrants.
  4. Increase Public Representation and Accountability: Increase involvement of public representatives in the governance of APEGS and enhance our accountability to the public.
  5. Modernize Registration Framework: Ensure registration categories and processes reflect current public expectations of inclusivity, fairness, transparency and timeliness.
  6. Improve Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency of Governance Processes: Improve the ability for the council to represent members and maintain strategic oversight, while empowering the executive director and registrar to manage operations through a cohesive bylaw and policy framework, ensuring that the public understands what APEGS is doing to regulate in their best interest.
  7. Investigation and Discipline Transparency: Improve transparency of processes and provide clarity on roles of APEGS, council, and public. (Potentially develop an appeals committee separate from council.)


September 2023 to November 2023 – Review the act and bylaws and note desired changes, consulting with the Minister in the process

December 2023 – Provide Minister with draft amendments

January 2024 to May 2024 – Work with Minister to develop the draft legislative proposal

May 2024 to December 2024 –Stakeholder engagement

January 2025 to August 2025 – Prepare decision item for cabinet approval

September 2025 to December 2025 – Introduce bill through to royal assent

Commitment to Ongoing Communication

The task group will keep momentum and continue with our original thinking of reviewing and recommending changes and pass along to government to carry out their legislative process.

Watch for updates on progress through outreach channels: The Edge Monthly e-newsletter (emailed on the 15th of each month or next business day), The Professional Edge print magazine (mailed in June and December).

We are now accepting applications from members to be considered for council. Nominees are confirmed by January, announced in February for the election process, and inducted at the annual meeting on May 4, 2024. If you’re interested, please visit our website to learn more about the competencies, skills, and diversity APEGS is seeking. You can apply to be considered for nomination by completing the application form by December 1 at 5:00 PM.

To learn more about the election process and what it means to serve on council, join us on October 24 for a 1-hour Teams meeting. To register, email SharonEvaniew@apegs.ca by noon on October 23. Virtual login information will be provided after registering.

LEARN MORE – https://www.apegs.ca/about/apegs-governance/council-elections